The Top Benefits from Organic Skincare

“Clean” seems to be the new buzzword around the inter webs these days. Whether it’s clean eating, clean household products, clean beauty products, or clean living, everyone is trying to minimize the toxic load they are taking into their bodies and co-existing within the modern world today.
If you’re striving to keep what goes into your body in the form of healthy and clean foods, it only makes sense that you should also prioritize what goes onto your body. Your skin is highly absorbent which means it can have a huge impact on your overall health and well-being when properly cared for and protected from toxins and other things that negatively impact your health. That’s where organic skincare products enter the picture.
What is Organic Skincare?
Generally, the term ‘organic’ refers to any item grown, manufactured, or processed without the use of synthetic chemicals and other harmful ingredients. Still, there are different types of organic and not all of them are 100% organic.
In terms of skincare, organic skincare products are items made from organically grown ingredients, without the use of harmful pesticides. They are also processed keeping in tune with organic practices to prevent contamination of the product during processing.
Organic skincare is thought to be better for the skin, as well as for the environment as a whole, since the products contain the minimum amount of harsh chemical ingredients as possible. For skincare products to be labeled ‘organic’, they need to contain at least 95-100% chemical-free ingredients.
One thing to note is that although all organic products are natural, not all natural products are organic. For a product to be considered and labeled as ‘all-natural’ it needs to contain at least 50-70% chemical-free ingredients. As you can see, that definitely doesn’t fit the organic criteria!
Vegan skincare is another type of skincare that is common today. A skincare product can be labeled as ‘vegan’ if it is free of any ingredients that originated from animals. These ingredients include milk, honey, and several others.
However, vegan skincare products may still contain artificial components and chemicals, as long as they are not sourced from animals. For this reason, a vegan product is not necessarily natural or organic. This is why it’s vitally important to read the labels before investing in any kind of skincare product.
Benefits of Organic Skincare Products
There are multiple benefits to choosing organic skincare products.
They’re More Nourishing for the Skin
Plants, be it fruits, vegetables, or herbs, contain more nutrients when grown organically. They contain higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants, largely due to more sustainable organic agriculture practices. Antioxidants and vitamins are essential in keeping your skin in its best state, glowing and healthy. When skincare products are made from these types of organic ingredients, they typically contain more benefits than their conventional counterparts.
They’re Eco-friendly
Produce grown in accordance with organic growing techniques and standards, do the minimum damage to the environment. Organic crops do not use chemical-laced pesticide and insecticide sprays, or use synthetic fertilizers to boost the crop growth.
Instead, they opt for organic-approved pesticides with the minimum amount of chemicals. This ensures that the soil, air, and water in their surroundings doesn’t become contaminated. By comparison, non-organic produce often pollutes everything in the surrounding area. Therefore, organic skincare is eco-friendly and far better for the environment. If it’s good for the environment, it’s probably pretty good for you, too!
You’re Exposed to the Minimum Amount of Chemicals
As mentioned, organic skincare products are made with ingredients that are exposed to as little synthetic chemicals as possible. The crops are nurtured with organic and natural fertilizers and pesticide sprays while growing. Not only this, but the processing and manufacturing of these skincare products is also done carefully, preventing needless exposure to harmful toxins. Even the packaging stage is often done conscientiously and thoughtfully.
They Don’t Contain Artificial Fragrances
Organic skincare products are completely devoid of artificial fragrances. This removes the risk of becoming exposed to toxic smells. These chemical scents can trigger negative allergic reactions in many people, often manifesting in the form of headaches and migraines, sinus blockages, and even skin reactions.
They are Non-Allergenic
Organic skincare items are much less likely to cause allergic reactions in people. This is because they are much gentler, typically all-natural, and safe for the skin.
They don’t usually inflame or irritate the skin, and if an allergic reaction does occur, it is likely because you may be allergic to the specific natural ingredients contained in the product. For instance, someone with a nut allergy could react poorly if a product contains, say—peanut oil. Though peanut oil is natural, it doesn’t mean you can’t be allergic to it.
They are Better for Overall Health
Conventional skincare products contain many chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin and enter into the bloodstream. These chemicals then wreak havoc in the body, damaging the immune system, endocrine system, and even the reproductive system in some cases. Some of these chemicals include parabens, phthalates, and sulphates. Meanwhile, organic skincare products don’t contain these ingredients, which makes them a better choice for overall health and wellness.
How to Choose the Best Organic Skincare Products
Now that you understand why it is essential to switch to organic skincare products as much as possible, merely buying something that says ‘organic’ on the box is not enough. So, let’s dive into tips to help you find the best organic skincare products possible!
Number 1: Know Your Skin Type
Before buying any skincare product, whether it’s organic or not, the first and most important thing is to know your skin type. Different skin types require different kinds of care and support. Dry and sensitive skin types need nourishment and heavy moisturizing products, while combination and oily skin requires hydration and oil-control ingredients. Your skin type determines your skincare routine, from cleanser choice to moisturizer choice and beyond.
Number 2: Read the Label
Before buying a new product, read the label carefully. Also, never forget that just because a label says ‘organic’ doesn’t mean it actually is in fact, organic. Read the fine print and make sure it doesn’t contain any known allergens, harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, or other nasties.
Some bad skincare ingredients to avoid are ammonium and sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, mineral oil, synthetic fragrances and dyes, isopropyl (alcohol), urea, as well as three types of ethanolamine.
Moreover, the term ‘fragrance’ on the label may hide many harmful chemicals that need not be disclosed. So unless scented with something like organically sourced essential oils, you should steer clear of any products that contain the word fragrance and nothing else!
Number 3: Research the Brand
Research the brand or company that makes the skincare product you’re considering investing in. If they are reputable, they should have the full list of ingredients available on their website, and they should specify just where the natural ingredients are sourced from.
Read the consumer reviews for both the product, as well as for the company. A good skincare brand should have nothing to hide. Check out beauty blogs to find recommendations on the best skincare product options, while also getting a detailed review on their effectiveness.
Number 4: Consider the Packaging
Since organic skincare products contain little to no chemical preservatives, they need to be packaged carefully to maximize their effectiveness. As a general rule, dark colored glass packaging is best. The dark tint protects the product from UV exposure and oxidative damage, while the glass bottle removes the risks of chemical reactions that can occur with plastic bottles.
Organic skincare isn’t just some buzzword, it should really be a lifestyle. Just like clean living and clean eating, it’s important to create a skincare routine using clean, organic skincare products that are good for both the environment and for the health of your skin and body.
After all, we are subjected to enough toxins and dangerous compounds in the world around us just by breathing—why knowingly increase that toxic load when you can use healthy, beneficial, organic skincare products instead?